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Milton Parks and Recreation Chairperson Ryan Peterson You can contact us with your comments or questions at: or

Friday, August 7, 2009

Wait!!!! We are not even done.....check out what I found in a GOOGLE search of Milton Dog Park

May be a stretch since we are not done, but nice nonetheless. While I like the idea someone, somewhere noticed the work that has been done, I have to say there are a number of nice dog parks in the area. None of them are the best in the eyes of many people we have talked to since finding this "best of" page. Each park is unique in its own way. We could be bigger, flatter, with more/less water, or you name it. As we have quickly found, we are never going to be the most ideal in every ones eyes. Some like the water, some hate it. A few want a bigger fenced area, others are happy they even have an area. We consider agility only to find we can go with one of the three sanctioning bodies that regulate size and materials, or just have a set to have fun. No matter what we do it is not perfect, that is where you come in. Seeing how we are a city park, we tend to go with the majority while trying to consider the needs of the minority. With that said, let us know what you like; dislike; desire; and anything else you wish.

We make it easy to contact us...just click on the dog log for an e-mail address, or click below any of the posts to let us & the world know what you think (comment box).